Society for Sacred Sexuality Art Archive

Sacred Sex Art Archive
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The following images represent a sampling of the over 2,000 items in our sacred sex archive. They reflect the sexual art of many world cultures, past & present.

See the full Sacred Sex Art Archive for all images and descriptions.

Note: images may be copyrighted; see Archive for more information.

The following images are from our Kamasutra galleries. The Kama Sutra is one of India's most famous love manuals. Included in the archive are pictures of various Kama Sutra positions, such as sitting, reclining, standing, inverted, rear-entry, and various fetish positions. Many sexual yoga positions are also portrayed. There are also special galleries devoted to kamasutra women, men, courtship, oral sex, threesomes, group sex, and sexual rituals, such as the kama chakra ('wheel of desire').

South Asia India Kamasutra Women Sexual Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Women Erotic Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Women Erotic Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Reclining Positions Sexual Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Reclining Positions Sexual Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Reclining Positions Sexual Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Inverted Positions Erotic Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Inverted Positions Sexual Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Inverted Positions Erotic Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Oral Erotic Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Oral Erotic Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Oral Sexual Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Threesome Sexual Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Threesome Erotic Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Threesome Erotic Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Fetish Erotic Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Fetish Sexual Art
South Asia India Kamasutra Fetish Erotic Art

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The Sacred Sex Art Archive also includes images from the following galleries:

Indian Sacred Erotic Art Galleries
These galleries include erotic statuary from the Khajuraho Tantra Temples, Yoni Worship, Shiva Lingams, Shiva-Shakti images, sacred sex depictions, Lajia Gauri, Kali, Ardhanari, Rama-Sita, sportive Krishna paintings, Radha-Krishna, Krishna & the Gopis, and other sensual & sexual Vedic deities, with emphasis on representations of the Goddess.

Tibet & Nepal Galleries
These galleries include erotic Tibetan temple sculpture, Tantric Buddhist Thangkas, Yab-Yum position, and other sexual art.

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Thai Galleries
These galleries include male & female fertility charms, and other sensual art of Thailand.

Japanese Galleries
These galleries include Geishas (also called Geisha Girls), fertility art, sensual goddesses such as Benzaiten, and other erotic art.

Oriental Galleries
These galleries include depictions of Goddesses Tara and Kuan Yin (sometimes Quan Yin), Apsaras (also called Apsarasas), and Chinese erotic art.

South Pacific (Oceana) Galleries
These galleries include the Hawaiian Goddess Pele and sexual art of Polynesia & Indonesia.

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Nature Galleries
These feature spontaneous expressions of sexuality in nature.

Native American Galleries
These galleries include indigenous erotic art of North & South America, from cultures such as the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Inuits, Pueblo, Cherokee, and the Oneida tribe. Also represented are various goddess archetypes seen in other cultures, such as the Triple Goddess, Wisdom Goddess, fertility & birthing goddesses, and various harvest goddesses. Among them are Tlazolteotl, Coyolxauhqui, Aliquipiso, Irriaku, and Grandmother Spider. Also shown are male fertility gods and examples of Native American sexual art.

Early Middle East Galleries
These galleries include the goddesses of Sumer, Phoenicia, Canaan, Babylon, and other semitic tribes of the region. Among them are Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, and others. These goddesses presided over everything from love and fertility to health and harvest, to wealth and prosperity, and general well-being of the people. Inanna of Sumer was the center of a public sacred sex ritual called Hieros Gamos that endured for several thousand years.

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Later Middle East Galleries
These galleries include the Turin Papyrus of Egypt, Egyptian goddesses Isis and Ma'at, and sexual aspects of other deities like Osiris, Set, and Nut. There are also images of Egyptian sexual art. From the Judeo-Christian tradition are depictions of the Hebrew goddess Asherah, said to be the wife of Yahweh, and Christian art of the Madonna (including the Gnostic Black Madonna), Mary Magdalene, the Virgin of Guadaloupe (or Lady of Guadalupe), the Christian Virtue 'Charity', and Bernini's Ecstasy of Saint Theresa (also known as Teresa of Avila). Also included is the vesica piscis (known today as the 'Jesus fish'). From the Arab, Turk, and Persian cultures are male fertility art and general erotic art.

European Galleries
These feature the sensual art of the great European masters, including da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Vitruvian man, Michelangelo's David, L'Origine du monde (The Origin of the World), by French artist Gustave Courbet, the Venus de Milo, and many, many others, as well as nude erotic art and explicit sexual art.

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Ancient Rome Galleries
These galleries include the goddesses Venus (along with Mars and Adonis), Diana, and Terra Mater, and the gods Cupid and Bacchus, focus of the Roman Bacchanalia rite. Also shown are male fertility charms, brothel paintings, and various erotic images and sculptures.

Ancient Greece Galleries
These galleries include the Greek gods & goddesses Aphrodite, Gaia, Artemis, Baubo, Dionysos, Hecate, the Three Graces, the Sirens, Eros, and the male fertility god Priapus, known for his ever erect penis. Also shown are the Minoan Snake Goddess and various examples of erotic Greek pottery and sculpture.

Sacred European Galleries
These galleries include sheela-na-gigs — nude, exposed goddesses that graced the doorways of medieval Christian Churches in the British Isles, protecting the worshippers and warding off evil. Also included are other stone images and popular deities of European cultures.

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Ancient Stone-Age Galleries
These galleries include famed venus figurines (also called goddess figurines) dating from 25,000 BCE (paleolithic & neolithic eras) such as Venus of Willendorf, Venus of Laussel, and Venus of Lespugne. Sculpture from the ancient city of Çatal-hüyük is also shown. Venus figurines showed an ancient reverence for the feminine mysteries of pregnancy, childbirth, monthly cycle, and fruitfulness of mother earth.

African Galleries
These galleries include fertility dolls and goddesses, sensual art of women, and erotic art.

Modern Art Galleries
These galleries include the work of various modern artists and sculptors who represent the goddess, sacred sex, tantra, and/or general sexuality in art. A special section is set aside for female artists who have devoted themselves to portraying the yoni (female sex organ) in an uplifting, sacred way.

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