Society for Sacred Sexuality

Sacred Sex Art Archive
Copyright Policy

Some artwork in this archive is public domain, and some is not. For items where copyright information is given, please contact the copyright owner (via the links provided) for permission of use. The Society for Sacred Sexuality cannot grant this permission.

For public domain items (where no copyright information is given), we maintain the following policy, as allowed by U.S. Copyright Law: the Society for Sacred Sexuality reserves the copyright for the overall collection and particular arrangement, editing, and display of this archive.

The Society for Sacred Sexuality believes in the cultural and historical value of the items in this archive. We therefore support all efforts to make this artwork available to the public in the name of sacred sexuality. Our usage policy for public domain items is as follows:

~ For small requests (under 10 items), commercial and non-commercial use is granted without restriction, and without need for source identification.

~ For medium collections (10-50 items), non-commercial use is granted; we respectfully request the following acknowledgement (you may copy the code directly into your HTML):

Art collection courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank">Society for Sacred Sexuality</a>.

Commercial use will be considered on a case by case basis.

~ Major requests (over 50 items) will be considered on a case by case basis.

The Society for Sacred Sexuality has made every effort to identify sources and give credit for artwork in this archive. However, if you are the copyright owner of any item(s) in this archive and either request to be credited as such or choose not to display your piece(s) in our archive, please contact us.

For archive files, permission requests, and copyright disputes, please email the Site Administrator.

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