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Spontaneous sacred sex experiences
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Gary Joseph
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    Posted: February 3, 2012 Reply with quote

MountainSong said:
...much of what one sees and experiences may not have to do with something one should know for further Enlightenment, but is a distraction which could lead one off on a tangent of research and interest which is not applicable for further growth and could in fact delay further growth for a very long time.

That is the essence of it and basically all you need to know from this caution. The main point is to be cautious and not get carried away with or lost in your new experiences and psychic abilities. That said, there's no need to be paranoid about this beautiful awakening process. You used the word "perilous"; it is not perilous in the sense of real danger, but only in the time wasted in losing yourself in your partial awakening. Of course, you are responsible for your actions, so use common sense when deciding whether to act on "divine inspirations" that come, either in your own mind or from other "beings". That could be the only source of peril.

For example, if you're on a bridge looking out on a beautiful river and suddenly feel certain you can fly, don't act on it. If, on the other hand, you're simply enjoying the view and Spirit/God/Nature (choose your name for it) lifts you up WITHOUT INTENT ON YOUR PART and carries you out over the water, then enjoy the blessing of this "Christ-like" power. The main thing to understand is that these powers are not yours, but of the Divine, and therefore not to be desired of and chased after by you. If and when it serves the Divine Will to manifest in you, It will do so unasked. It needn't even concern you. Just go about your daily business and let the miracles unfold themselves. More often than not, the 'miracles' will make themselves known in the course or your "mundane" daily life, completely unnoticed by others.

Know that awakening is a process (specifically, the culmination of Nature's evolutionary process), one in which you will continue to grow and evolve. The only real "peril," if you want to use that word, is mistaking your current stage of progress for the goal. The reason for the caution is that even this partial awakening is so far beyond what we've always accepted as "normal," and so much more charming and fascinating, that it's easy to lose yourself at any stage -- like becoming enthralled by this or that charm as you traverse a rainbow and never reaching the pot of gold.

MountainSong said:
The overall theme for navigating this stage seems to be one of observance, inner calmness and complete acceptances of what is without labeling or defining it and avoid getting distracted by the shiny new powers which came with the awakening.

Yes -- I would even add an attitude of indifference. All those experiences draw your attention out, into the experience. You want your attention drawn in, to the Bliss Consciousness that is within you. You are indifferent to everything else. Surrender is a good word too -- accept what comes & goes, neither chasing after nor running away. Just be innocent -- be innocent like a child and you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven within.

As for teachers, first and foremost, kundalini herself (i.e. your own growing experience) is your main teacher. Follow her guidance and you will evolve. After all, she is Nature, and who better than Nature Herself can guide you in your natural evolution? External teachers can help and point you along the way, but the main 'guru' is within. That said, it's perfectly natural and helpful to seek out knowledge in whatever area you have doubts or confusion, or desire and interest. If that includes sacred sex, you'll find a wealth of knowledge about that on our site.

Regarding Christianity and the other religions, all spiritual traditions, as you hinted, have an underlying truth. Look into the lives of some of the Christian mystics. St. Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, St. Catherine of Siena, and others had experiences closely related to sacred sex.

MountainSong said: it common for two people to become bonded and have the kundalini awakening at the same time via a profound event as happened to us?

It's perfectly natural because awakening is a state of Union. It is awakening to your universal status as Being, which is beyond all gender. Therefore love relations, in which there's an expansion of yourself that embraces your opposite gender, are a natural trigger for it. Sexual union specifically, as a physical expression of that higher Sacred Union, can trigger the experience and also nurture your growing awakening. The only caution here (and this applies mainly to men, but also to women) is that your sexual energy is intimately connected to your spiritual energy (in fact they are one and the same), so it's vital to learn sacred sex to direct your energies up so that it manifests as the spiritual force that it is, rather than expending it down and out through the genitals. (Sex is a prime example of losing yourself in the charms of heightened experience of partial awakening -- your sexual energy & experience will likely be heightened with awakening; cherish and cultivate it, don't waste it.) You can learn sacred sex here.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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    Posted: February 6, 2012 Reply with quote

Thank you kindly for your help Gary.
It was very much a relief to learn there are precedents for this in the Christian faith, I’m sure with more searching of recorded Christian history and more communion and prayer with God I will come to fully accept and find His purpose in the events that have happened to us.
Thanks again.
Gary Joseph
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Communion    Posted: February 7, 2012 Reply with quote

Actually, that (prayer & communion with God) is the best thing you can do to continue progressing on your journey. The experiences that come with awakening have a purpose. Some are simply learning experiences (maybe even challenging ones) that you must navigate through to progress, like ones we've been discussing. But more important are the truths about yourself, life, and creation (specifically life here on earth) -- these are meant to show you what to do with your awakening. They point to your life purpose and how to serve creation with what you have learned. As you get more and more drawn into that, you will see that it protects you from the distracting influences mentioned above. Because all your attention is absorbed in your true path, no attention is given to distractions, and being ignored, they go away.

Christianity calls this doing "good works"; Eastern traditions call it "dharma" (India) or "the way" (Taoism), which mean 'right path' or action in harmony with Nature. You are like a prism through which the light of God reflects in a particular way according to your nervous system, etc. As your awareness becomes more pure, you are better able to see the purpose for which the light is shining through you, and you become an instrument for that.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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    Posted: February 9, 2012 Reply with quote

“As your awareness becomes more pure, you are better able to see the purpose for which the light is shining through you, and you become an instrument for that.”

I see this already, and wonder what is to be our purpose, since we were called together I presume it is something that will take us both to accomplish. I have a feeling there are things we need to discover and things we need to teach each other first before our purpose becomes revealed to us.
I don’t have a feeling this is going to happen overnight but may take many years. There is a strong sense of much investment in time, compassion, yearning for knowledge and growing to be done before we learn why we were brought together. The sacred sex is the lure to ensure we meet and stay together to fulfill whatever Higher Purpose we’re intended for.

Remember how the Romans once envisioned the gods playing chess games with mortals lives, moving one piece here and one there, to make things happen on earth?
I feel like that, only I’ve not decided who’s moving the chess pieces, God or us as planned in a different lifetime. But someone is setting things into place, of that I’m sure.
Gary Joseph
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    Posted: February 10, 2012 Reply with quote

Yes, it takes time & commitment, but it is to that for which you were born, so what else is there to do? Nothing will satisfy and fulfill you except that.

MountainSong said:
I’ve not decided who’s moving the chess pieces, God or us as planned in a different lifetime....

Spirit is the Prime Mover of all, even when, in our egoistic ignorance, we think we are the movers. The Cosmic Mind works through our minds, even when our egos think "I am doing it."

It's all God.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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" It's all God.It's all God.    Posted: February 10, 2012 Reply with quote

" It's all God "

What a beautiful thing! =D
Gary Joseph
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God-dess    Posted: February 12, 2012 Reply with quote

Or as we say in sacred sex, God & His Nature - Goddess - together in perfect Sacred Union. luv

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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