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Male/Female Androgyny
The Secret Shared Sexual Anatomy of Men & Women

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Gary Joseph
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Male/Female Androgyny    Posted: November 28, 2004 Reply with quote

Sacred sex reveals the extraordinary truth that both male & female sexuality abide within you.

This means that you are not only sexually whole, but also that men and women are very much sexually the same.

Knowing this opens you to the sexual desires and pleasures of your opposite-sex partner. It also forever changes the way you view your lover's body...and your own.

Sacred sex teaches that everyone has male & female essence — God & Goddess — within them on a spiritual level. In Sacred Union, you experience this gender completeness within yourself. But your sexual wholeness goes beyond spirit, expressing itself clearly and visibly in bodily form. That's right, you carry your opposite gender's sexuality within your body for life.

Our common perception is that we are 'mono-gender' — we are either male or female, and we seek out our opposite gender partner in order to complete ourselves. We may experience much anxiety and distress over our inability to find such a partner, and view ourselves as incomplete.

Sacred sex shows, even on the physical level, that we are sexually complete, and that we can reconnect with our sexual wholeness at any time. By the end of this lesson, you will know the bodily organs of the opposite gender that you own in your anatomy. You will see that you are once and forever sexually whole.

And for those who are what society labels "intersex" or "transgender" — and for the rest of "normal" society that too often harshly judges them — you will see that such people are no different than anyone else. We are ALL transgender. We all transcend gender — we are all gender-complete. See the Gender Identity lesson for a full discussion of this.

In the same way, the typical view among men & women in relationship is that their bodies are as different as night & day. In the bedroom, this leads to a host of problems. You've heard the complaints:

"I don't know how to please my partner."
"I'm not sure what turns him on."
"I haven't a clue what she wants."

By the end of this lesson you'll see that all you need know is what turns YOU on. Your partner has the same basic equipment as you, slightly modified, in different places, and differently named. These homologous body parts (of same biological origin) elicit the same basic sexual response in both men & women. Just learn to see your own body parts in your partner's, and you'll know how to treat your lover right.

The wonder of both these phenomena — your sexual wholeness within yourself and your sexual sameness with your partner — begins with one of life's most amazing and little known secrets: the shared sexual anatomy of men and women.

Male & female physiology — including sexual & reproductive organs — stem from the same basic organ tissue.

To reveal the secret, we have to go back to the beginning. No, not to the beginning of time, or even to Adam & Eve; just back to when little boys and girls were the same — back inside your mother's womb.


The first clue to your sexual sameness lies in your DNA. As you probably know, your gender is determined by two chromosomes: X (female) and Y (male). If you knew nothing of genetics except that chromosomes are paired, your first guess as to genetic makeup would likely be YY for men and XX for women. This is what we would expect if men and women were truly different, like apples and oranges.

But we know this isn't the case. Both genders have the same base X chromosome. Added to that, men have a Y, while women have a second X. Thus men are XY and women are XX.

The foundation for sexual sameness laid out by this genetic arrangement becomes clearer when we understand the roles of X and Y in the development of sexual anatomy. The base X (present in both genders), together with all the non-sex chromosomes, is capable of evolving as either male or female; the Y chromosome simply acts as a modulator that stimulates it to evolve as male. If the modulator is absent (i.e. in an XX female), the X evolves as the default female gender.

Put simply, we all have the same base physiology; it just develops differently for men and women. Once you know which male parts match which female ones, you see your sexual sameness.

A crash course in fetal development shows exactly what matches what, how male & female anatomy evolve, and the same source of both. The term for corresponding body parts is 'homologous', meaning that they are alike in structure and in origin, though not necessarily in function.

Gender sexual sameness holds true not only for external sex organs, but also to a great extent for the internal reproductive system. We'll start with internal reproductive anatomy.


From the moment of conception up until about 7 weeks or so, male and female reproductive anatomy are the same. The primary sex glands — gonads — are undifferentiated; they will develop into either male testes or female ovaries. The reproductive support systems match too.

Aside from identical urogenital cavities (that will form part of the reproductive 'plumbing', and also the urinary tract), both genders have proto- or formative ducts for both male and female reproductive systems. In case that's not clear, let's state it plainly: both genders have male and female reproductive setups.

Over the next several months, one setup evolves while the other regresses. A fascinating aspect of this is that the regressive system typically leaves a vestige, or remnant part, in the opposite gender. In other words, if you're male, the female system regresses, but leaves remnants in your body. Females likewise have male reproductive vestiges in their bodies. You carry these vestiges for life.

Even the hormones that trigger these changes are found in both genders, simply to different degrees. Male sexual development is triggered mainly by testosterone, together with one that inhibits female organs (called 'AMH'). Women even into adulthood produce testosterone at typically lower levels than men, and AMH, the female inhibitor, is produced by a gene on chromosome 19, which both men and women have. Low levels of AMH are present in the ovaries of adult women.

Both hormonal and physical development point to the same conclusion: that male & female sexuality are not mutually exclusive, but rather that both are present with one predominant.

The following illustration shows how the dual sexual 7-week anatomy differentiates into a male or female reproductive system:

The middle stage above shows the popularly named G-Spot. This erogenous zone is comprised of two homologous pairs. Shown above are the male prostate and female Skene's glands. The prostate ejaculates a clear fluid (that contributes to semen) during male orgasm. Less known is that women ejaculate too, a function of her Skene's glands. Not surprisingly, male prostatic fluid and female ejaculate (induced by G-spot massage) have a similar biochemical makeup. Both derive from the same urogenital cavity.

Understood this way, female ejaculation makes perfect sense — she has the same basic anatomy as a man.

Together with the male & female urethral sponge, which you'll learn about shortly, these ejaculatory glands make up the G-Spot.

The main internal reproductive organs grow out of respective formative ducts for each gender (also called Wolffian and Mullerian ducts for the male and female systems, respectively). In females, the ducts develop into the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and upper vaginal canal. In males, their ducts evolve into the seminal vesicles, vas deferens, and epididymis. In both genders, the opposite sex system regresses, but leaves remnants in the body.

Men have an 'appendix testis', a tiny appendage on each testicle corresponding to the female fallopian tube. More intriguing, men have a small indentation in their prostatic urethra, called a 'utricle', that is a remnant of the female uterus and upper vagina. In fact, the prostatic utricle is known in Latin as the 'vagina masculina'. In a somewhat symbolic sexual union, the vagina masculina is immediately flanked by the man's two ejaculatory duct openings. This means that the vagina masculina is the first thing filled when a man ejaculates. The following image from Grey's Anatomy shows the adjacent ducts (red label added):

Women likewise have Gartner's ducts and other minor leftovers from the formative male ducts. And they have their own inner symbolic sexual union, more striking even than the man's, which you'll learn about shortly.


If the internal reproductive correlation is notable, that of the external sexual organs is downright astounding. Mostly in plain view, men and women exhibit the same sexual anatomy, in modified form.

To best see and understand it, let's again go back to the womb. Like their common internal reproductive system, men and women begin fetal life with the same external genitalia. The photos below, at 9 weeks, show this:



The main feature is the 'genital tubercle', a protrusion that for men grows into the penile glans (head), and for women recedes as the clitoral glans. The remaining parts are also homologous. The following illustration shows how male & female sex organs develop from a common source (homologous parts are shown in the same color):

As shown, each part develops into a significant feature of either male or female anatomy. The urogenital opening becomes the female labial opening, while in men it fuses to become the phallic raphe, or seam running down the center of the underside. The genital swelling forms the female labia majora, or outer lips, homologous to the male scrotal sac. It remains split in women, forming the vulval opening, while fusing in men to form the scrotal raphe. The urogenital folds develop into the visible male foreskin and female labia minora and clitoral hood.

Most remarkable though, is the internal development of the urogenital folds. Beneath the skin, they grow into the male phallic shaft and the hidden portion of the female clitoris. These contain homologous erectile tissue, which swells when stimulated, becoming engorged. Yes, that means a woman can and does, like her man, become 'erect' when her clitoris is stimulated.

But this is merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The following illustrations show the near identical structure of the penis and clitoris:

Amazingly, the length of the clitoral corpus cavernosum can be 3 or more inches, much nearer to penis size than the clitoral head makes it appear.

In fact, all things considered, the single biggest difference between the penis and the clitoris is that the penis is mainly external, while the clit is mostly internal. That's it. Even that distinction is minor, considering that both the penis and clitoris are partly exposed and partly hidden, giving rise to both inner & outer erogenous zones for each. This fascinating feature is fully discussed in Sacred Sex Stimulation.

Any simple reference confirms the correspondence of these two sexual organs. The 2007, Random House Unabridged Dictionary defines clitoris as "the erectile organ of the vulva, homologous to the penis of the male".

Because the clitoris is a homolog of the penis, every woman has a complete set of sexual organs within her. Her 'penis' (clitoris) descends internally, enveloping her vagina in symbolic sexual union, much like the man's discussed earlier. This is a natural permanent condition, whether she is engaged in sex or not.

The above likeness of the penis and clitoris, along with their common anatomical origin, leads to a startling conclusion: the penis is not male, nor is the clitoris female; they are the same sexual organ that develops slightly differently in each gender. Both men and women go through life with this same major sex organ.

There is one final correspondence revealed by the urethral sponge shown in the illustration above. It concerns the erogenous zone known as the G-Spot. The G-Spot, which plays an important role in sacred sex, is comprised of two body parts in close proximity in both men and women.

In women, Skene's glands embedded within the urethral sponge combine to comprise the female version of this sexual zone. The male G-Spot has a near identical setup. A mass of urethral sponge at his perineum sits just below his prostate. The following illustration shows the proximity of the features that make up this erogenous zone:

Because the male & female features are homologous, it's not surprising that they share a similar proximity to each other as well. This similar setup contributes to their like function.

In both men and women, the immediate proximity of the urethral sponge to the ejaculatory gland plays a role in its sexual response. Pleasuring the erectile sponge stimulates nerve endings in the region, which contracts the pelvic muscles and the gland itself to induce orgasm. This may or may not be accompanied by ejaculation in both genders.

In the case of ejaculation, the urethra within the spongy erectile tissue plays a common role too. The man ejaculates prostatic fluid (mixed with sperm & other fluids) through his urethra. Her Skene's glands ejaculate their similar fluid through her urethra. (Most of her Skene's ducts open into her urethra; typically, she has two additional openings between her labia lips, shown in transparent outline above.)

As a final note on the G-Spot, which is located inside the body, the region is conveniently accessible to massage in both men and women, through the urethral sponge. His erectile tissue is just under the skin at the perineum. Hers is massaged through her upper vaginal wall.

In a moment, we'll see how the bodily likeness of the G-Spot, and also the penis & clitoris, elicit like sexual response in men & women. This is a great help in knowing how to please your partner.

First though, we'll show another symbolic sexual union in the female body, remarkably similar to the man's described earlier. Like his, it involves the G-Spot, which in sacred sex induces a symbolic sexual union of its own — the spiritual experience of Sacred Union. In both sexes, two ejaculatory duct openings flank a vagina, symbolizing the pouring of male into female. For men, they flank its homolog — the vagina masculina. For women, two Skene's ejaculatory ducts flank her actual vagina. Like his vagina masculina that is filled when he ejaculates, her ejaculate — homologous to male prostatic fluid — fills her vulval opening.

The following illustration compares this symbolic sexual union in men and women:

Like him therefore, she not only has both male & female sexual anatomy within her, but also they function to perform the sex act itself entirely within her.


All the examples of opposite sex anatomy that you carry in your body, and especially the symbolic sexual union within you, show that you are not merely male or female, but rather sexually whole and complete. You are a sacred sexual being within yourself, even on the physical level. Sacred sex is merely a way of awakening to that on a conscious spiritual level.

The picture of male-female sexual sameness is now almost complete. Don't be surprised if you didn't learn this in sex ed. While it is mainly known in medical circles, it is not part of common sex education for a simple reason: common sex emphasizes the difference between men and women. Sacred sex reveals your sexual wholeness, showing you to be a complete sexual being. You are male & female both. The sexual completeness of your body is simply proof of that truth.

For reference, below is a list of main correspondences of male & female sexual anatomy, along with their original undifferentiated name:

Table of Male & Female Sexual Homologues
Proto-male ducts

Vas deferens,
Seminal vesicle

Gartner's duct

leaving no vestige)
Proto-female ducts
Appendix Testis

Vagina masculina
Fallopian tubes

Uterus, Upper Vagina (3/4)
Urogenital cavityBladder

Urethral sponge


Skene's glands
Urethral sponge

Urethra & Lower Vagina (1/4)
Urogenital openingUrethral opening

fuses to form phallic raphe
Urethral opening

Labial opening
Genital tuberclePenile glans (head)Clitoral glans (visible tip)
Urogenital foldsPenile shaft (erectile)

Interior Clitoris (erectile)

Labia Minora & Clitoral hood
Genital swellingScrotum

sides fuse into scrotal raphe
Labia Majora

Vulval opening
Gray text indicates tissue/organs that
regress or degenerate to non-functional vestiges

It's worth noting that there are even more, minor, equivalencies than listed above.

There is also a feature of our secondary sex anatomy, the breasts. Perhaps more than the sex anatomy itself, the breasts show that every human being is designed with the potential to be both male and female. For while the genitalia are modified homologs, men and women are born with identical breasts. Men, like women, not only have nipples, but also mammary glands behind them.

The development of mammary glands is controlled by hormones. They are rudimentary until puberty when, in response to ovarian hormones, they begin to develop in the female. Estrogen promotes formation, while testosterone inhibits it. This explains why men taking estrogen can and do develop breasts. It also explains why men can and do get breast cancer, which typically begins in the mammary glands.

Why do men have these non-functional body parts? Thinkers from Aristotle to Darwin have pondered that question, but rarely do we find a satisfactory answer. From the perspective of sexual sameness though, it is simple. As with the proto-male & female reproductive system everyone is born with, you have the potential for both sexes within you. Your hormone modulators, programmed by your sex chromosomes, determine which develops and which remains dormant.

So now you have an answer the next time someone asks, 'why do men have nipples?' In case they were to be born a woman.

You now see that male and female sexual anatomy is more alike than it is different. The key factor in distinguishing them isn't even anatomical at all — it's hormonal. That may lead you to say that while male & female anatomy are alike, our hormones are entirely distinct. That is untrue. As you'll see next, the secret shared sexual anatomy of men and women goes beyond the body.


Your sexual sameness does not end (or even begin) with the body. Earlier we saw how testosterone and another hormone (AMH) modulate sexual differentiation in the womb. Both genders have both hormones, but in different quantities at different stages of development. This though, is only part of male-female hormonal harmony. We'll continue with more about testosterone.

The presence and effects of this 'male' hormone in men are widely known. But testosterone is also produced in the ovaries of women, and plays a key role in health and well-being for both genders. Benefits include immune strength, energy, healthy libido, and protection against osteoporosis. Regarding testosterone, the only difference between men & women is the amount produced — men typically have 20-30 times the level of women.

Testosterone is the primary androgen, a generic name for hormones that stimulate or control the development and maintenance of male characteristics. Intriguingly though, the 'male' androgens play a significant role in producing the main female hormones — estrogens. In fact, some estradiol, the main estrogen, is actually converted testosterone (estradiol is produced other ways too).

Estrogens are responsible for developing female secondary sex characteristics, such as breasts, and also regulate the menstrual cycle. In men though, estrogen regulates some reproductive functions vital to sperm maturation. They also contribute to a healthy libido, and may even play a vital role (one Australian study found a complete absence of sex drive in male mice lacking estrogen). Like testosterone, the main difference in men and women is amount, which varies in women over the course of their menstrual cycle, but can be 10-20 times as much as male levels.

More should be said about the role of both testosterone and estrogen in creating a healthy libido. The common perception among people is that testosterone alone has this function, which accounts for male sexual aggressiveness. While it may indeed have that effect, the fact that both hormones contribute to sexual energy (and consequently to sexual activity) shows that both male and female elements fuel our sex lives. Women have a degree of sexual aggression too, and perhaps estrogen contributes to sexual receptivity and sensitivity that, while predominant in women, is also present in men. The role of both male & female hormones in this most basic aspect of sexuality — your sex energy level — shows once again that you are a complete sexual being.

The other main 'female' hormone, progesterone, is also found in males. In women, progesterone helps regulate the menstrual cycle and maintains pregnancy. Men have levels of this 'pregnancy hormone', as it is often called, similar to women in the pre-ovulation phase of their monthly cycle. Some of its gender-free effects are regulation of immune response, blood clotting, cell oxygen levels, and use of stored fat for energy. It also assists in thyroid function, bone building, and skin resilience. So there it is men, be thankful for progesterone, even if you're not pregnant or ovulating.

You may also be surprised to learn that premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, in women is not likely linked to hormone levels. Levels in women exhibiting PMS symptoms are typically in the normal range. This means one less hormonal distinction between men and women than commonly thought.

One last hormone worth mentioning is oxytocin, a general hormone with sex-related effects. Dubbed the 'love' hormone by many, oxytocin is responsible for the bonding women tend to feel after sex. It is released in her body during orgasm. But oxytocin is also released during male orgasm (and other ways in both genders). In women, aside from its role in childbirth and nursing, oxytocin increases maternal behavior. In men, it increases sexual arousal and may facilitate sperm transport in ejaculation. In both sexes though, it has the effect of increasing trust and reducing fear.

As a final thought on male-female hormonal harmony, consider this: sex hormone levels are nearly the same in men and women at birth and end of life. They only spike in difference for the brief period (relative to lifespan) of prime adulthood. We start life the same and end it the same. This is evident in the androgynous appearance of pre-pubescent children, and likely contributes to the 'unity of beings' wisdom of elders. The phenomena is even more striking when we consider that before and after this current bodily life, we are wholly duo-sexual — complete sexual souls without any gender distinction whatsoever. But for a 'momentary' interlude we take on the character of male or female in order to realize that truth.

The following charts show how sex hormones begin and end at similar levels in men & women:

As with anatomical likeness, the message given by male-female hormonal harmony is that gender is not mutually exclusive, but rather a matter of predominance. Everything male is in the female, and vice versa, just in different form and quantity. You have everything you need to be sexually whole. Sacred sex lets you live it.


Male-female sexual sameness is not some arcane biological trivia that is irrelevant to life. Unlike most 'obscure' science, your shared sexuality has great application: it enhances your sex life. Your sexual sameness helps you know, understand, and feel your partner's sexual response. You can better pleasure your lover simply by knowing your own sexual pleasure.

For all the correspondences described above, you only need know two to aid your sex life. They pertain to the two main erogenous zones in men and women. Each sensual zone has a homologous pair:

Erogenous Zone 1: penis & clitoris

Erogenous Zone 2: male & female G-Spot

A close look reveals a near identical sexual response induced by stimulating the homologs of each zone.

Let's start with the basics:

Zone 1: both the penis and clitoris are highly excitable organs that stimulate quickly, become engorged when aroused, and rapidly lead to frantic release.

Zone 2: both the male & female G-Spots are slow to arouse, giving deeper, longer-lasting pleasure.

Note that the sexual response of organs in each zone is essentially the same, but that the response of organs in Zone 1 is opposite the organs in Zone 2. This is what will better help you understand your partner.

Knowing that her clitoris responds like his penis lets you inside your lover's body to know his/her desires, needs, and pleasure. Men better understand why women enjoy clitoral stimulation, and women better sense the pleasure he feels when his organ is stroked.

This likeness applies even to the pleasure felt from specific ways of stimulating. For example, women can understand the exquisite pleasure men feel when the head of the penis is stroked or licked from the underside up — it's the same thing she feels when her clitoris is stroked up. Likewise, licking in a circle around her clit feels much the same as doing so around the head of his penis. Even the added pleasure of warm, wet oral pleasuring, compared to manual stimulation, is similar for both sexes. To know why your lover prefers your tongue to your hand, just remember the greater pleasure it brings you.

If you want to know what your lover wants, just ask yourself what you want, and give it to your partner's corresponding organ. This of course doesn't account for individual differences, irrespective of gender, but it gives you a leg up, so to speak, in pleasuring your partner.

G-spot likeness in men and women gives similar insight. You sense how G-Spot massage feels for your lover because you know how it feels for you. G-Spot massage is new for many people. It can also trigger deep emotional response in your partner that's not easy to read. Your own experience receiving G-Spot massage gives you a certain intimacy with what your partner may be feeling. You can tune in to your lover's experience and relate to it. Of course stimulating the G-Spot also induces deep sacred sex orgasm; experiencing it yourself gives you a sense of the profound spiritual awakening your partner may be experiencing. (For more on G-Spot massage, see Sacred Sex Lessons 8 & 9, Massage for Her and Massage for Him.)

G-Spot likeness applies to specific strokes as well. The same 'come hither' motion with the fingers that he uses to massage the upper wall of her vagina is best for massaging his G-Spot through the perineum. It creates a rhythmic, rolling sensation in the erectile tissue of the region that is highly pleasurable. So if you're unsure how to stroke your lover's G-Spot, have them stroke yours and see how it feels. Do for your lover what feels best for you.

Knowing your sexual sameness lets you pleasure your lover's body with the same confidence you have pleasuring your own.

But there is more to the story than this. You not only sense your partner's desire and pleasure due to your sexual sameness, but also you better understand, and resolve, sexual differences that come up. The best example of this is the most hotly debated issue in sex: that he's done when she's just getting started. Blame flies and emotions erupt when this topic heats up, and 'experts' give all sorts of reasons for it, ranging from hormone difference to evolutionary purpose. But sexual anatomy gives the simple — and obvious — explanation. It also gives the easy answer:

He finishes first during intercourse because his fast organ is paired up with her slow one! He's using his Zone 1 organ, while she's using Zone 2. Intercourse stimulates his penis, but does little for her matching organ, the clitoris. For her, the motion of his penis massages her G-spot through the upper wall of her vagina, slowly arousing her in Zone 2 fashion. But he is oblivious to this 'slow cooking' because common intercourse doesn't stimulate his own G-Spot.

The solution is equally clear: spend more time stimulating corresponding sex organs so that both partners rise to climax together. Give her some Zone 1 attention, and tend to his Zone 2. Clitoral stimulation will speed her up, and G-Spot massage will slow him down. This not only lets you climax together, but also lets you share a similar sexual experience along the way.

While the experience is more frustrating for women because they don't climax, the issue is most challenging for men, who can't seem to understand why women are so slow to arouse. To get it, he has only to ask himself this: how much sex satisfaction would I get if my penis were untouched? That is exactly what women experience when their clitoris is left out. Her clitoris is the same sex organ as his penis. This is why so many women request — even demand — clitoral foreplay before intercourse. And why, if they don't get it, they may not be completely satisfied by the main event. If he thinks in terms of sexual sameness, he'll be more likely to give what he wants to receive.

There are other male-female 'differences' that are understood and resolved by seeing that intercourse matches organs from different erogenous zones. Below are three, along with explanations and solutions. All are due to the fundamentally different experience between Zone 1 & Zone 2 stimulation. Because intercourse acts on his penis and her G-Spot, it's only natural, and to be expected, that they have different experiences. Understanding the situation not only resolves conflict, but also invites you to give stimulate the opposite zone of your partner so that you can share a common sexual experience.

First is the male 'once & done' vs. female multiple orgasm. Here, the highly excitable penis explodes in climax and feels done, while the slow rolling G-Spot goes on and on and on. This difference greatly diminishes when you stimulate organs of the same erogenous zone. Women are more likely to feel 'done' after a clitoral orgasm, like a man. Conversely, men can enjoy multiple rolling orgasms via G-Spot massage.

This is even indicated by parallel sensations at orgasm. Both the penis and clitoris often become too sensitive to be touched when brought to climax manually, contributing to the 'done' feeling. In contrast, G-Spot pleasure for both men and women increases with each successive climax.

Second is genital orgasm vs. full-body orgasm. This is also typically a male vs. female phenomenon. All sensation focuses on the highly excitable penis for him, leading to orgasmic pleasure concentrated in that region. In contrast, her G-Spot stimulation sends deep waves of pleasure throughout her body, which, when they build to climax, she experiences as full-body orgasm. This distinction entirely disappears by stimulating organs of the same zone. She, like him, will have a more localized 'Zone 1' orgasm if her clit alone is stimulated. And he, like her, can enjoy full-body orgasm through Zone 2 G-Spot massage.

Last is the male physical orgasm vs. the female emotional/spiritual one. Once again, his highly sensitive penis feels mainly physical sensation, while her G-Spot stirs up deep emotional and spiritual experience. Again too, the difference vanishes by stimulating same-zone organs. Her clitoral climax is more physical, like a man's. His G-Spot orgasm is more spiritual, and can be deeply emotive, like a woman's.

To sum up then, these 'different' sexual experiences are not so much about gender difference as they are about not understanding your sexual sameness, and knowing how to use it to create a common sexual experience. Both genders are equipped with anatomy to enjoy both types of climax. When you know how to use it, sexual differences fade and sexual harmony grows. Best of all, you both enjoy the full range of sexual pleasure in a shared experience.

Here's one last indication that male & female sexual experience is more similar than you think. A University of Washington study showed that professional sex therapists and counselors could not correctly identify descriptions of orgasm as male or female. This study did not even pair up orgasm descriptions by zone. Orgasm is the same because our orgasmic equipment is the same.

(To see the full significance of your two different sex centers, see Sacred Sex Stimulation - Your Inner & Outer Erogenous Zones.)


Sacred sex teaches that every man & woman is sexually whole and complete. This lesson shows that to be true even on a physical level.

That being the case, sacred sex should create a sexual experience that is very much the same for men and women alike. And it does. The beauty of it is that it occurs on both levels — sacred and sexual. Through sacred sex, you enjoy a common physical experience with your partner. You also share a common spiritual one.

The shared physical experience occurs through teachings like the one in this lesson, that awakens you to your sexual sameness and how to use it to create shared experience. More than that though, sacred sex uses a method that takes advantage of your sexual sameness, even while your homologous organs are 'mismatched' in intercourse.

Sacred sexercise, taught in Lesson 4, allows each partner to self-stimulate his/her own G-Spot, while joined in sexual union. This not only gives rise to a common physical experience, but also induces the spiritual experience of Sacred Union that both also enjoy. Thus on both levels, spirit and flesh, you and your lover enjoy a complete union.

You discover the truth that you are sexually whole and complete within yourself...and sexually the same as your opposite gender partner.

Sacred sex even has a special ritual to let you celebrate your sexual sameness. It is called the Sexual Fullness Ritual, for it lets you physically switch roles, and symbolically enjoy the experience of sex from the perspective of the opposite gender. Thereby you feel sexually full.

It does not involve kinky strap-on accessories or dress-up games; rather it's a simple recognition of your homologous body parts and how they'd fit together were you clothed in opposite gender skin.

It goes like this:

The man spreads the urethral opening of his penis to receive the woman's clitoris in symbolic sexual union. His urethral hole is the sole remaining opening of the urogenital cavity that is fused in males in the womb. It is homologous to her labial opening, which normally receives the penis. Her clitoris of course, is homologous to the penis. In this way, but for a Y chromosome in him and not her, she would be inserting her penis into his vagina.

Both partners should do sacred sexercise during this little ritual.

Because the ritual is not particularly stimulating in a traditional sense, lovers can spice it up — and add to the ritual itself — by alternating traditional sacred sex with it. He enters her for a period, then she enters him for a period. This gives the experience of changing back and forth between male and female sexuality, as you have already done over countless lifetimes. By reversing roles over and over, you break your gender attachment and become more whole spiritually.

Try it today with someone you love, and feel what's like to be as they are.

It will make you whole.

Copyright 2007, Society for Sacred Sexuality - all rights reserved.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
Gary Joseph
SSS Founder

Joined: 16 Jun 2004
Posts: 864
Location: SSS Home

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Our Androgynous Origins    Posted: November 27, 2008 Reply with quote

A friend just alerted me to the following article explaining that all sex-based life originates from duo-sex organisms. It gives fascinating support to the lesson posted above:

Scientists put sex origin mystery to bed
Wild strawberry research provides evidence on when gender emerges

By Jeanna Bryner
Nov. 26, 2008

We all came from hermaphrodites, organisms with both male and female reproductive organs. And though the origin traces back more than 100 million years, biologists have scratched their heads over how and why the separate male and female sexes evolved.

Now, research on wild strawberry plants is providing evidence for such a transition and the emergence of sex, at least in plants. And the results, which are detailed in the December issue of the journal Heredity, likely apply to animals like us, the researchers say.

The study showed that two genes located at different spots on a chromosome can cast strawberry offspring as a single sex, a hermaphrodite or a neuter (neither male nor female, and essentially sterile). The researchers suspect the two genes could be responsible for one of the earliest stages of the transition from asexual to sexual beings.

"All of the animals and plants that are bi-sexual, or have two sexes, are theorized to have evolved according to a particular set of steps," said researcher Kim Lewers, a plant geneticist at the USDA's Genetic Improvement of Fruits and Vegetables Lab in Maryland. "Until now, no example had been found of the very earliest steps. Therefore, those steps were undemonstrated to be true."

She added, "Finding this example of the very earliest stage allowed us to say the theory is probably right."

Sex chromosomes, which are the cellular basis for the male and female sexes, for placental mammals (a group that includes humans) and marsupials likely originated between 166 million and 145 million years ago.

Flowering plants (plants equipped with reproductive organs) weren't around until about 140 million to 180 million years ago. "Within flowering plants, separate sexes is thought to have evolved from hermaphroditism independently and repeatedly among lineages," said researcher Rachel Spigler, a postdoctoral student at the University of Pittsburgh, "so there is no one specific date for the evolution of sex chromosomes in plants."

Lewers, Spigler and their colleagues spotted the genetic mutation in a wild strawberry species, Fragaria virginiana, in which the evolution of separate sexes is not complete. So in addition to male and female strawberry plants, there are also some hermaphrodites and neutered individuals.

Through lab work, including genetic mapping, the researchers figured out how the wacky mix of sexes, or no-sexes, worked.

The plants each have two proto-sex chromosomes. Two spots on each proto-sex chromosome contain sex-determining genes, one that controls sterility and fertility in males and another that does the same in females.

Offspring that inherit both fertility versions are hemaphrodites and can self-breed, while plants that inherit one fertility and one sterility version become either male or female. (A female would result from a sterile male and fertile female combination of genes.) Those that get both sterility versions of the genes are considered neuters and can't reproduce, so they ultimately die out.

While the two sex-determining genes are close to one another on the proto-sex chromosomes, the researchers say they are not completely linked. That's why the strawberry offspring can get such a wild mix of the genes.

On our sex chromosomes, for instance, this mixing and matching is not possible (or at least very rare), because the female chromosome is one unit and so is the male sex chromosome.

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