Alphabetical Topic Index
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Alphabetical Topic Index Posted: June 29, 2004 |
This Index lists the best Forums for various sacred sex topics.
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TIP: Try the Sacred Sex Glossary for definitions of terms.
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Abortion, truth/facts about
Abuse, sexual - healing; eliminating; due to sexual moralism
Accidents -Ache during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
ACLU - letter to regarding legal sacred sex instruction
Active female - understanding role of & awakening in sacred sex
Active male - understanding role of & balancing in sacred sex
Active orgasm inducer -Adam & Eve - true meaning of Biblical story; joke on man (fable); (see also Garden of Eden)
Addiction, sexual - healing; eliminating
Adi Granth (Sikh scripture) - Sacred Union in
Africa - goddess, fertility, & sexual art of
Afterglow (glossary definition)
Aggression/Agressiveness -Aghora (Tantric sect) - taboo ritual practices of
AIDS, eliminating
Alchemy, sexual
Alum for contracting the yoni (in Ananga Ranga)
Amrita (more); healing power of & ritual for
Amrita Ritual for sexual healing
Anal sex
Ananga Ranga (Indian Text) -~ arousal, signs of in women
~ attraction, signs of in women
~ biting, ways of
~ compatibility of body types & temperaments
~ female dominant sex
~ hair, ways of pulling
~ kissing, ways of
~ men, body types & temperaments of
~ patting with the hands, ways of
~ positions for sex (how to use in sacred sex)
~ scratching with the nails, ways of
~ sex play, various kinds of
~ sounds, types of
~ women, body types & temperaments of (more) Anatomy, male/female - Anatomy of Sacred Sex Forum
Ancient sacred sex civilization; art of
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) - effect on sexual identity
Androgyny (more)
Androsexual - sexual orientation toward men
Anger - as distorted love; during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Animal Kingdom - comparison of sex throughout
Animals - homosexual behavior in
Antisocial behavior - reason for & way to end
Anxiety - as distorted love; during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Apathy, social - reason for & way to end; teenage
Aphrodisiacs -Arousal vs. stimulation (difference between); signs of in women (in Ananga Ranga)
Archetypes for male & female gender (more)
Ardhanari - as God/dess (more); in art; ritual
Art, Erotic (Sacred Sex Art Archive; Gallery Index)
Arts - 64 in Kama Sutra
Asexuality - as an alternative sexual orientation
Asherah (Hebrew goddess) - consort of Yahweh (in art)
Astarte (semitic fertility goddess); in art
Atheism - no obstacle to sacred sex
Attraction, ways to increase (in Kama Sutra); signs of in women (in Ananga Ranga)
Augustine, St. - battle with sexuality; views on myth of evil; role in Original Sin doctrine
Aversion to touch, healing
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Babylon, sacred sex priestesses in
Bad luck -Balance in sacred sex (more, more); male/female
Baptism in the temple of the body
Bathing - as part of sacred sex ritual; before sacred sex, not after
Belly dance
Bhagavad Gita (Vedic/Hindu text) -Bi-sexuality (see Bisexuality)
Bible -Birth, sacred sex symbolism of
Birth control
Bisexuality (all related issues)
Biting, ways of - in Kama Sutra, in Ananga Ranga
Bleeding, menstrual (see Blood, menstrual)
Blocked energy - transforming into sacred sex experience
Blood, menstrual (see also Female Cycle) -~ ritual for
~ sacred sex name for & symbolism of Blue balls - dealing with in sacred sex
Body -Body art/decoration
Body esteem, healthy; size of sex organs - does it matter?
Body image, healthy male/female
BodyTemple - sacred sex name for the human body
Bondage fetish
Boredom during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Breast enlargement - statistics, methods, risks of (see also Cosmetic Surgery)
Breast cancer - healing; eliminating
Breast health
Breast implants - risks of, preferred type
Breast pill supplements - ineffectiveness of
Breast pumps (enlargement method, not nursing aid) - risks of
Breast reduction
Breast size - does it matter?
Breasts - Breathing - understanding & use of as sacred sex tool
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (Vedic/Hindu text) - sacred sex in
Buddha - as Universal Love
Buddhism -Bulimia
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Cancer, meaning of/preventing; sacred sex for practitioners with
Celibacy - true meaning of; how sacred sex satisfies aim of (more)
Chandamaharosana Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India)
Chandogya Upanishad (Vedic/Hindu text) - sacred sex in
Cheating - enjoyment of others' nudity not indicative of (more)
Childbirth, sacred sex symbolism of
Children -Christ, Jesus -Christianity -Circle of Life -Circle of Life Forum -Client Referral Exchange (sacred sex teacher resource)
Clitoral orgasm - as distinct from vaginal (G-spot) orgasm
Clitoris -Cock ring - for harder & firmer erections
Coitus (see Sex)
Collagen injection for penis enlargement, risks of
Coming of age (puberty), sacred sex symbolism of
Common sex vs. sacred sex (more, including comparison chart)
Common sex stimulation vs. sacred sex stimulation
Communicating desires in sacred sex
Communion - sacred sex as (more)
Compatibility -Conception, sacred sex symbolism of; as conscious act
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) - effect on sexual identity
Conscious conception
Conscious creation
Consciousness - higher states of (spiritual awakening); verification of
Conventional orgasm vs. sacred orgasm (more), (a.k.a. friction orgasm v. wave orgasm)
Conventional sex vs. sacred sex (more, including comparison chart)
Cosmetic surgery (breast enlargement) - statistics, risks, resources, reducing scar tissue
Cosmetic surgery (general) - is it needed?; reducing scar tissue
Cosmetics (makeup)
Cosmic Energy, Goddess as (more)
Cosmic orgasm (glossary definition)
Courtesans (in Kama Sutra, continues for 6 chapters); movie about
Courtship (in Kama Sutra, more, more)
Cradle of civilization - sacred sex in; art of
Creams, topical - as ineffective for breast/penis enlargement
Creation - as a sexual act (more, more); male & female essece in; circular nature of
Crying during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Cultures, sacred sex (see Sacred Sex Traditions)
Cunnilingus - sacred sex methods for (more)
Customs -Cynicism about sacred sex - not an obstacle
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Dalai Lama (2nd) - sacred sex quote
Dark Night of the Soul (see John of the Cross)
Death, facts & fallacies about; (see also Passing)
Declaration of Sexual Independence
Decoration, body
Deer exercise - to reduce menstrual flow; breast enlargement method
Denial, sexual - due to false moralism
Desire - Depression during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Deva-dasi - temple priestess of India
Deviance, sexual - causative role of false moralism; healing of
Dharma - tradition of following desire (more)
Dirty mind/thoughts - no obstacle to sacred sex; transforming into sacred sex experience
Dirty sex - no obstacle to sacred experience; as ritual
Dirty talk - okay in sacred sex; using in sacred sex
Discomfort - transforming into sacred sex experience
Disease -Disinterest in sex/sacred sex - dealing with
Divine male & female (more)
Domestic violence
Dominant, Female- (sex positions) - see Female, dominant
Domination, sexual (fetish)
Doubt - no obstacle to sacred sex; removed by experience; how to deal with in life
Dress for sex
Dress-up; to transcend gender identity
Dualism (philosophical view) - as an illusion & as subordinate to Unity
Duality - as an illusion that is fundamentally unified (in the body)
Duo-sex - soul as both male & female gendered (more)
Dysfunction, sexual
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Early sacred sex societies; art of
'Eating' ecstasy for health (see also Food)
Economics, what sacred sex teaches about (more); sacred sex principles of
Ecstatic Trance Ritual (more)
Ecstasy, orgasmic (more, glossary def.); in Sacred Union; as male archetype; as a ritual state
Eden - sacred sex society as Eden-like; true meaning of Biblical story
Education -Egg, crystal - to tone yoni muscles
Ego - role of in personal growth (including misconceptions about) (more)
Egypt -Ejaculation -11:11, meaning of
Embrace, kinds of (in Kama Sutra)
Emotional numbness/shutdown - transforming into sacred sex experience; practical rituals for
Emotional outbursts during sex - dealing with
Emotional release during sex - dealing with
Endorphins - release and healing power of during sex; during massage
Endowment - does sex organ size matter?
Enemies, Universal Love for
Energy (see 'Cosmic Energy', 'Life Energy', and/or 'Sexual Energy')
Enlargement, penis/breast
Enlightenment -Envy - as distorted love
Ephesus, Lady of - as the many-breasted Goddess Artemis
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile tissueErection, male & female; losing in sacred sex
Erogenous zones, inner & outer (spiritual & physical); correspondence in men & women
Eros - sacred sex meaning of
Erotic Art (Sacred Sex Art Archive; Gallery Index)
Esteem, body (see Body Esteem)
Esteem, gender
Estrogen - role & levels of in women & men
Evil -Evolution -Experiences -Exposing of genitals as good luck in early society -Extended orgasm (glossary definition)
Eye of Horus - inner wisdom in Sexual Enlightenment
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[Index, cont.] Posted: June 29, 2004 |
Failure -Faith vs. experience (more, more)
Faking orgasm - eliminating need for
Family, spiritual - God & Goddess as
Family Life, sacred sex symbolism of
Fantasizing - using as a sacred sex experience
Fatherhood, sacred sex symbolism of
Fatigue - dealing with in sacred sex
Fear -Felatio - sacred sex methods for (more) (see also Oral Sex)
Female -Female cycle -~ healing problems of
~ honoring & healing ritual for
~ sacred sex during
(see also 'Moon Cycle' and 'Blood, Menstrual')
Female ejaculate; correspondence to male prostatic fluid; biochemistry & healing power of
Female ejaculation (inc. ways to induce); correspondence to male ejaculation
Female essence (glossary definition) - Feminine mysteries - role of in creating early sacred sex cultures
Fertility -Fertility Cycle - human life cycle reflected in (more)
Fetal development, sexual differentiation during
Fetish; as ritual
Fisting fetish
Five Forbiddens Ritual (see Panchamakara Ritual)
Flashing (see Exposing of Genitals)
Flesh - as reflection of & mirror for Spirit
Food -~as aphrodisiac
~ experience as (inc. health benefits)
~ sex not recommended after meals
~ sacred sex, use with
~ virility - foods that increase
~ world as Foot fetish
Foreplay -~ in Kama Sutra
~ lingam massage as
~ yoni massage as
(see also Sex Play) Freedom & Order Co-Exist - sacred sex principle creating ideal society
Freedom, sexual (see Sexual Freedom)
Freud, Sigmund - on sexual orientation
Friction orgasm as description of conventional orgasm
Frigidity (see Pre-orgasmic)
Frot - male homosexual practice
Frustration, strong feeling of during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Full-body orgasm (more, more, more); induced by stimulating male/female G-Spot
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G-spot -G-spot orgasm - as distinct from clitoral (more, more)
Gap between heightened arousal and orgasm (glossary definition) -Garden of Eden - true meaning of Biblical story; origin of in sacred sex culture; (see also Eden)
Gay issues (see also 'Homosexual' and 'Sexual Orientation')
Gays, sacred sex for
Gender -Gender & Relationship Forum
Gender confusion as misdiagnosis in transgender cases
Gender esteem
Gender fulfillment
Gender identity; as taken on by the duo-gender soul; ritual for
Gender orientation (see either 'Gender Identity' or 'Sexual Orientation')
Gender role -Gender wars, ending (more)
Gender Wholeness ritual to transcend gender identity
Genetics - impact on gender identity & sexual orientation
Global awakening - science of
Gnostic Gospels (Christian) -Gnosticism (Christian) -Goals in sacred sex - role of
God -god -Goddess -goddess -Goddess Ritual
Goddess spot (see 'Sacred Spot' and 'G-spot')
Goddess Worship -Golden shower fetish
Golden Transition (menopause), sacred sex symbolism of
Good vs. evil, myth of
Good deeds (see Right Action)
Gospels (see 'New Testament' and/or 'Gnostic Gospels')
Government - sacred sex principles of
Greece, ancient -Group sacred sex; as ritual (more)
Guhyasamaja Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India)
Guidance (see Inner Guidance)
Guilt -Guru - Sexual Enlightenment as your personal inner guide
Gynosexual - sexual orientation toward women
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Hair - shaving; ways of pulling (in Ananga Ranga)
Hanging (method of penis enlargement)
Happiness -Harem - description of in Kama Sutra (more)
Harimtu (Babylonian temple priestesses)
Harrassment, sexual
Hate - as distorted love
Healing issues that come up during sex (more) (see also Sexual Healing)
Healing, sexual (see Sexual Healing)
Healing rituals -Health - sacred sex principles of (see also Health Benefits)
Health, sexual (see Sexual Health)
Health benefits of sacred sex (more, more, more)
Health cautions for sacred sex
Heart - how it guides you & how to follow it; healing issues of
Heart & Mind, Union of - as sacred sex principle creating ideal society
Heart disease, sacred sex for practitioners with
Heavy breathing - meaning/use of in sacred sex
Hebrews (see Old Testament)
Herbal enhancers
Herbal stimulants
Hermaphrodite (also hermaphroditic, hermaphrodic) - alternative gender identity
Hermaphroditos (also Hermaphroditus) - son of Hermes & Aphrodite
Hetaerae (high class courtesans of ancient Greece)
Hevajra Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India)
Hierodule (temple priestess of ancient Greece)
Hieros Gamos ritual (sacred marriage); practice in early sacred sex society
High blood pressure, sacred sex for practitioners with
Hirschfeld, Magnus - sexual orientation model of
Homologues of male & female sexual anatomy (inc. list & pics)
Homophobia - as repressed same-sex attraction
Homosexual - term use, first date & connotation of
Homosexuality -Homosexuals, sacred sex for
Homo-social behavior - as not unlike homosexual behavior, yet accepted
Homo-type orientation - in life & nature
Hormones -Horus, Eye of (see Eye of Horus)
Hula dance
Human Life-Cycle as mirror of sexuality
Human nature -Human potential
Humanity - as fundamentally good and moral; (see also Human Nature)
Hypersensitivity - dealing with in sacred sex
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Illness - dealing with in sacred sex; sexual healing for; cause of (more)
Illusion - duality & evil as
Immaculate Conception - as fruit of sacred sex
Impatience - dealing with in sacred sex
Impotence - healing through sacred sex; as an effect of false moralism
Improvisation in sacred sex (going with the flow) (more)
Inability to orgasm - sexercise as remedy for women (see also Pre-orgasmic)
Inanna (Sumerian goddess); in art
India -~ sacred sex tradition of (see Tantra)
~ temple priestesses of (Deva-dasi); (more) Infinite -Inhibitions, freedom from (more)
Inner dialog - way of receiving Inner Guidance
Inner Guidance; desire as; role of nature in; as dialog with God/dess
Inner Wisdom - Sexual Enlightenment as your personal inner guide
Insecurity during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Interconnection of Life - as sacred sex principle creating ideal society
Intercourse (see Sex)
Interruptions - dealing with in sacred sex
Intersex - understanding of and effect on gender identity
Intimacy - Injury -Intentional healing - for sexual healing
Ishtar (Babylonian goddess); in art
Ishtaritu (Babylonian temple priestesses)
Isis Ritual for sexual healing
Japan -Jealousy -Jelqing - penis enlargement method
John of the Cross, St. - love of Christ in Dark Night of the Soul & Spiritual Canticle (more)
Judaism -Judging of self & others - rooting out
Judgment - moral vs. rational; of humanity as fallen - false idea of
Judgment, false moral - as effect of myth of evil
Judgmentalism - rooting out; toward desire - refutation of
Kabbalah (branch of Judaism) -Kama Sutra -Kama Sutra Text Archive -~ 4 aims of life
~ 64 arts
~ aphrodisiacs
~ attraction, ways to increase
~ biting, ways of
~ compatibility of body types & temperaments
~ courtesans (cont. for 6 chapters)
~ courtship (more, more)
~ embrace, kinds of
~ female dominant sex
~ foreplay
~ harems of rulers (more)
~ intentions, knowing hers
~ kissing, ways of
~ lingam (penis), ways of enlarging
~ (first) meetings; use of go-between
~ men, successful qualities of
~ oral sex, methods of
~ penis (see 'lingam' sub-listing)
~ positions for sex
~ quarrels, resolving
~ scratching with nails, ways of
~ sex acts, kinds of
~ striking one's partner, ways of
~ wife, virtuous qualities of Karezza - sexual healing for abuse
Kamakhya Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India)
Katha Upanishad (Vedic/Hindu text) - sacred sex in
Kaulavali Nirnaya Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India) (more)
Kegel exercises - as similar to sacred sexercise
Kinsey, Alfred - research findings on homosexuality, movie review
Kissing, ways of - in Kama Sutra, in Ananga Ranga
Klein, Fritz - sexual orientation model of
Krishna - sexuality of; as Universal Love
Kularnava Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India)
Kundalini (more); SSS Founder Gary Joseph's experience with
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Lajia Gauri (India) - goddess that bestows blessings by exposing genitals
Lalita Sahasranama - 1000 Names of the Goddess (Vedic/Hindu text)
Language -Large clitoris (see Clitoris, large)
Law, sacred sex related (see Legal Sacred Sex Instruction); re sexual orientation
Laziness during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Learned sexual behavior - impact on sexual orientation
Legal sacred sex instruction (more; general forum)
Lesbian sexual orientation (see also 'Homosexuality' and 'Sexual Orientation')
Lesbian issues
Lesbians, sacred sex for
Lesbos - Greek island known for lesbian sexual orientation
Letting go in orgasm (more, more); of desire (gender perspective)
LGBT movement, flag of
Libido, increasing -~ * technique for
~ food for
~ herbs for
~ influence of life on
(see also Sexual Energy) Life -Life Cycle - sacred sex symbolism of (see also Circle of Life Forum)
Life energy - as identical to sex energy (more, more, more, more); as seen in your breathing
Lingam (also spelled 'lingham'; glossary definition, also) -Logos - Greek philosophy dispelling the myth of evil
Love -Love muscles (glossary definition) - use of in sacred sex
Low esteem, healing; dealing with in sacred sex
Luck -Lunar Cycle as mirror of evolutionary cycle
Lust -
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[Index, cont.] Posted: June 29, 2004 |
Macrocosm/Microcosm (see Microcosm mirrors Macrocosm)
Madonna - sacred sex depictions of in art
Magdalene, Mary -Magick, sex (see Sex Magick)
Mahanirvana Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India) (more)
Mahavidya ('Great Knowledge') - relation to yoni
Maithuna (sacred union)
Male -Male ejaculate - biochemistry & healing power of
Male essence (glossary definition) -Male Multiple Orgasm
Man -Mankind (see Humanity)
Manual pleasuring (with sexercise); as ritual
Marriage -Mary (Mother of Christ) (see Madonna)
Mary Magdalene (see Magdalene, Mary)
Masochism - as effect of false moralism; (for fetish, see S&M)
Massage -Masterbation [sic] (see Self-pleasuring)
Mastery, sexual (more, more)
Masturbation (see Self-pleasuring)
Matriarchal society -Meaning of life
Meditation as practice for spiritual & global awakening -- science of
Meditation, sexual (see Sexual Meditation)
Memory - true memory vs. false memory (inc. understanding loss of)
Men - understanding
Ménage àTrois (see Three-Way Sacred Sex)
Menopause, healthy; (see also Golden Transition)
Menstrual cycle (see Female Cycle)
Menstruation (see Female Cycle)
Mesopotamia - ancient sacred sex culture; art of
Microcosm mirrors Macrocosm; as sacred sex principle creating ideal society
Middle East -Mikagura-uta (Japanese Tenrikyo text)
Mind - true mind vs. false mind (inc. understanding loss of)
Minoan Snake Goddess
Mirror - world as reflection of spirit
Misfortune -Moaning - value & use of in sacred sex; with breathing ('Moaning Breath' technique)
Molestation, sexual - healing
Money, what sacred sex teaches about; needs cared for by nature
Moon Cycle, sacred sex symbolism of (see also Lunar Cycle)
Moon Ritual to honor fertility & menstrual cycle, and for menstrual healing
Moral action - true definition of; sacred sex as
Moral society, creating
Moralism, false - refute of & freedom from; declaration of freedom from
Morality, true - reconciled with desire & freely chosen
Moralizing, false - negative effects & refute of
Mores, sexual (see Sexual Mores)
Motherhood, sacred sex symbolism of
Motherhood, single - resolving issue of
Movies that depict sacred sex ideas
Multiple orgasm (more, more) (see also Male Multiple Orgasm)
Multiple partners - in sacred sex; in relationship; in marriage
Mystery schools in ancient Greece
Mystic Union - sacred sex ideal espoused by religious saints & mystics
Myth - evil as; (see also Sexual Myths)
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Namaste (glossary definition)
Names of the Goddess, 1000 (Vedic/Hindu text)
Native American culture - sacred sex in
Natural - desire as; sacred sex as (more, more)
Nature -Nature vs. Nurture - impact on human learning; impact on sexual orientation
Necrophilia - as taboo ritual among Aghora people
Negative thoughts - no obstacle to sacred sex
Negativity during sex - transforming into positive experience
New Testament -Nipples - sacred symbol of; why men have them; surgical effects on sensitivity
Nudity, personal comfort with; as non-pornographic; acceptance of in ancient Greece
Number of Partners for Sacred Sex
Numbness - dealing with in sacred sex
Nursing, sacred sex symbolism of
Nymphomania - source of/healing
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Obsession with breast/penis size; with sex (see 'Obsession, Sexual' below)
Obsession, sexual -Obstacles in life - as falling away naturally when you follow your heart
Obstacles to sacred sex - transforming into positive experience
Odor - see Sexual Hygiene
Old Testament -Omnisexual - as true human sexual orientation
Open relationship/marriage
Opposites - as fundamentally unified
Oppression, sexual (see Sexual Oppression)
Oral sex -Orgasm -Orgasm Inducer (glossary definition) (see also Active/Passive Orgasm Inducer)
Orgasmic balance (more, more, glossary definition)
Orgasmic desire - as that which induces orgasm
Orgasmic ecstasy (glossary definition); experience of
Orgasmic-Wave balance (in surfing analogy) (glossary definition)
Orgy - sacred word origin; (see Group Sacred Sex)
Orientation, sexual (see Sexual Orientation)
Original Sin - true meaning of; as myth; as tool of false moralism
Orphism - sacred sex ideology in ancient Greece
Outer reflects Inner - as sacred sex principle creating ideal society
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PC muscle (glossary definition); use of in sexercise
Pain - dealing with in sacred sex
Panchamakra Ritual (5 forbiddens) - true meaning of
Pansexual - as true human sexual orientation
Panting during sex - meaning/use of in sacred sex
Parenthood, sacred sex symbolism of
Parenting (sex education)
Partner - understanding sexual nature of
Partner disinterest/incapacity - dealing with in sacred sex
Partners, number of - in sacred sex (more), in relationship/marriage
Passing, sacred sex symbolism of
Passive female - understanding & working with in sacred sex
Passive orgasm inducer (more, glossary definition) -Patriarchal religion - Old Testament as
Patriarchal society - early Greece as; factors causing transition to
Pederasty - widespread and accepted form of homosexuality in early civilization
Pee - urge to in sacred sex
Penis -Penis enlargement - methods, risks of; methods of in Kama Sutra & Ananga Ranga
Penis size -Penis injection - risks of
Penis pills (for enlargement), ineffectiveness and risks of
Penis pumps, dangers of
Performance, partner's level of in sacred sex - as irrelevant, dealing with
Performance anxiety; (see also Performance Pressure)
Performance pressure -Perfumed Garden (Arabian text) -Period, female (see Female Cycle)
Personal love -Philosophy -Phoenix Rising - as sexual healing imagery
Pictures - Sacred Sex Art Archive
Pineal gland - opening of in Sexual Enlightenment
Plastic surgery (see Cosmetic Surgery)
Plato -Platonic relations - origin of term, roots in pederasty
Pleasure-flex sexercise techniques (more); understanding of
Pleasure reflex (basis for pleasure-flex sexercise)
Pleasuring as highest form of ritual
Pleasuring aids - use of in sacred sex
PMS during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Pornography -Positions (see Sacred Sex Positions)~ (for general sex positions, see 'Sex Positions')
~ (for descriptions in Kama Sutra & other texts, see 'Sex Positions') Positive thinking - limited value as a conscious practice, including for healing
Post-partem depression - preventing/healing
Potency, male - sacred sex symbolism of; increasing
Plastic surgery (see Cosmetic Surgery)
Prana (glossary definition)
Pranic healing - for sexual healing
Prayer - limitations & use of, including for healing
Pregnancy -Premature ejaculation - understanding/treatment of; sexercise as treatment for
Pre-orgasmic (female condition) - sexercise as remedy for
Press Center
Priestess (see Temple Priestess)
Priests, Catholic - sex abuse scandal among as due to false moralism
Problems -Profane as sacred; in scripture (more)
Proof of God/Goddess
Prostate -Prostate condition, sacred sex for practitioners with (more)
Prostitution, resolving issue of; (for mis-named ancient practice, see Temple Prostitute)
Proverbs, Book of (Old Testament) - marital relations in
Puberty (see Coming of Age)
Pubococcygeus muscle (glossary definition) - use of in sexercise
Purpose of life
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Qadishtu (Babylonian temple priestess)
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Rage - dealing with in sacred sex
Rape - healing; eliminating
Rebirth in the temple of the body; post-orgasm as
Rebirthing ritual
Referrals - see Client Referral Exchange
Reflecting Spirit in the flesh
Relationship -Religion -Repression, sexual (see Sexual Repression)
Reproductive organs - sex differentiation of in womb
Right action - true & false understanding of (more)
Ring, wedding (see Wedding Ring)
Ritual (see Sacred Sex Ritual)
Ritual healing (see Healing Rituals)
Rock, as male sacred sex archetype; key to role as
Role (see Sex Role & Gender Role)
Role-play - fetish value/symbolism of; for transcending gender identity; ritual for
Role reversal (see Role-play)
Rumi - verse on myth of evil and moralism
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[Index, cont.] Posted: June 29, 2004 |
The 'S' listing is extensive; use the links below to navigate as needed:
S&M fetish - using for sacred sex experience
Sacrament - sacred sex as (more)
Sacred geometry - use of in sacred sex ritual (more)
Sacred Marriage - ritual practice of in early sacred sex culture; (see also Hieros Gamos)
Sacred orgasm (more, more, glossary definition) -Sacred prostitute - as embracing full range of life; (see also Temple Prostitute)
Sacred Sex (glossary definition) -~ * How to Practice *
~ art
~ as a true moral act & moral ideal
~ as complementary to religion
~ as extension of conventional sex
~ as gender evolution catalyst
~ as spiritual practice (more); in scripture (more, more, more)
~ as reflection of Sacred Union (more, more, more)
~ as worship in scripture (more, more, more, more)
~ breathing - understanding & use of
~ coaching/counseling
~ essence of
~ Experience-Sharing Forum
~ experiences (see also specific experience listings, e.g. 'Ecstasy', 'Fear', 'Doubt', etc.)
~ experiences, spiritual (see 'spiritual experiences' sub-listing)
~ experiences of SSS Founder Gary Joseph
~ Finding the Sacred in (Forum)
~ gender roles in
~ glossary of terms
~ group practice of (see Group Sacred Sex)
~ healing power of
~ health benefits of
~ leading role of women in
~ massage
~ meditation; for wandering mind during sex (see also Sexual Meditation)
~ no belief needed
~ no mood-making (more)
~ origin of
~ partners, number of (more)
~ personal/private instruction
~ positions (see also Sacred Sex Positions)
~ practice for alternative sexual orientations
~ principles leading to Sacred Sex Society
~ projects
~ resources (more) (see also 'student resources' and 'teacher resources' sub-listings)
~ ritual (see Sacred Sex Ritual)
~ science of
~ scriptures/texts (see also Sacred Sex Scripture)
~ sexercise (glossary definition)
~ sexual benefits of
~ simplicity of
~ spiritual benefits of (more, more)
~ spiritual experiences - Sacred Union, Sexual Enlightenment (see also listings for each)
~ start at whatever your current sex experience
~ student resources (more)
~ summary benefits of
~ surfing analogy
~ teacher resources (more, more)
~ Teacher Training
~ Teachers Forum
~ teaching (see Sacred Sex Work)
~ techniques (Lesson Forum); EZ Reference Chart
~ tools for practice, EZ Reference Chart
~ traditions (see Sacred Sex Traditions)
~ vs. common sex (more, including comparison chart)
~ vs. sexual suppression - side-by-side comparison of effects
~ what it is/isn't (more)
~ women as ideal teachers of
~ worship (see Sacred Sex Worship) Sacred Sex Art Archive
Sacred Sex orgasm (see 'Orgasm', 'Sacred Orgasm', and 'Sacred Union')
Sacred Sex positions -Sacred Sex ritual -Sacred Sex Rock (technique) - as catalyst for gender evolution
Sacred Sex scripture -Sacred Sex Society -* principles of *
~ 50 ideas to transform society
~ economic abundance
~ cultural strength & vitality
~ current events - what sacred sex says about them
~ desire as standard for
~ divisive issues - healing
~ environmental health
~ educational genius
~ governmental leadership
~ health for all
~ movies - educational value in popular ones
~ nature - abundance in & support from
~ plan for global transformation
~ practical way to live it
~ sacred sex society - vision of
~ universal language
~ world peace
(see also Sacred Sex Society) Sacred Sex stimulation vs. common sex stimulation (more); Reference Charts
Sacred Sex Stretch technique
Sacred Sex Surfing (more)
Sacred Sex Teacher - Sacred Sex Text Archive
Sacred Sex traditions -~ Buddhism
~ Christian saints & mystics
~ early civilization
~ Gnostic Christian
~ Greece & Rome
~ Isis Sisterhood (from Egypt)
~ Japan
~ Jewish (Kabbalah)
~ Old Testament period
~ Tantra (from India) (see Tantra)
~ Taoist Sex (from the Orient)
~ in the west
~ other Sacred Sex work -Sacred Sex worship -Sacred Sexercise (glossary definition) -Sacred Space (glossary definition); (see also Yoni)
Sacred Spanking technique
Sacred Spot (glossary definition) -Sacred Spot massage -Sacred Steps to Healing - sexual healing method for trauma/abuse
Sacred Thrust technique (glossary definition)
Sacred Union (more, glossary definition) -Sadism - as effect of false moralism; (for fetish, see S&M)
Sadness, strong feeling of during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Sado-masochism - as effect of false moralism; (for fetish, see S&M)
Saints, Christian -Saline breast implants - risks of
Satchakra-nirupana Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India)
Saundaryalahari (Vedic/Hindu text), sacred sex in
Scandal, sex - false moralism as cause of; (see also Sex Scandal)
Science of Sacred Sex (more)
Scratching with the nails during sex (in Kama Sutra)
Scripture, women & the female form in; sacred sex in -Self-esteem, healthy (see also 'Body Esteem' and 'Body Image')
Self-pleasuring -Semen - biochemistry & healing power of
Sex -Sex change - issues relating to gender identity
Sex differentiation of male & female in womb
Sex Education -~ General Forum
~ for children (parenting & schooling)
~ for general public Sex energy (see Sexual Energy)
Sex magick - as ritual
Sex organs -Sex Pictures (Sacred Sex Art Archive; Gallery Index)
Sex play -Sex positions -Sex roles - male & female in sacred sex
Sex scandal - false moralism as cause of; in Catholic Priesthood
Sex toys
Sex worship [in sex, not of sex] (see Sacred Sex, worship)
Sexercise (see Sacred Sexercise)
Sexual anatomy - sameness of male & female
Sexual abuse -Sexual Addiction -Sexual balance (more, more, more)
Sexual dysfunction -Sexual Endowment - does it matter?
Sexual energy -Sexual Enlightenment (glossary definition) -Sexual freedom -Sexual Fullness ritual (more)
Sexual harrassment, ending
Sexual healing - practice & power of
Sexual health
Sexual Health & Healing Forum
Sexual hygiene -Sexual Independence, Declaration of (see also Sexual Freedom)
Sexual intercourse (see Sex)
Sexual meditation - in scripture (more); for wandering mind during sex
Sexual moralism - as false; freedom from
Sexual mores - true values as basis for; freedom from false ones; (see also Social Mores)
Sexual myths - about organ size, about evil of sex
Sexual obsession, rooting out (in people, in society); as effect of false moralism
Sexual oppression - declaration of freedom from
Sexual orientation -Sexual positions - see Sacred Sex Positions~ for general sex positions, see 'Sex Positions'
~ for descriptions in Kama Sutra & other texts, see 'Sex Positions' Sexual repression - healing; due to false moralism
Sexual sameness of man & woman
Sexual suppression due to false moralism; declaration of freedom from
Sexual trauma - healing; transforming into sacred sex experience
Sexual union vs. sacred union; symbolic expression of in the body (more)
Sexual values - true & false ones; freedom from false ones; (see also Social Values)
Sexual violence - healing; ending; as effect of sexual moralism
Sexually transmitted disease, eliminating; sacred sex cautions for
Sexual worship (see Sacred Sex, worship)
Shakti (glossary definition) -Shaktisangama Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India)
Shame -Shaving
She-male - alternative gender identity
Shekhinah (see Kabbalah)
Shingon (Japan) - Tachikawa proverb
Shiva (glossary definition) -Shiva Samhita, sacred sex in
Shrine to Sacred Sexuality (more)
Shukra - name for semen (Tantra); healing powers of & ritual for
Shukra ritual for sexual healing
Signals - use of to communicate in sacred sex; breathing pattern as
Sikhism - Sacred Union in
Silent male - understanding role of & awakening in sacred sex
Silicone breast implants, risks of
Silicone/collagen injection for penis enlargement, risks of
Sin, myth of & truth about
Sin, Original (see Original Sin)
Single motherhood, resolving issue of
Sixty-nine position (aka '69 position'); ritual practice of (see also Oral Sex)
Size - does it matter? (inc. penis & breast)
Skepticism about sacred sex - not an obstacle
Smell - appealing to sense of; hygiene for (see Sexual Hygiene)
Snake (kundalini)
Social mores -Social values -Society, Utopian - built on sacred sex principles; vision of
Song of Solomon (Old Testament) - derivation from earlier sacred sex culture
Sodomite - word derivation as 'holy'
Soul -Sound -~ as sacred sex tool (more)
~ expressing during sex Spanking fetish (see also Sacred Spanking technique)
Spirit - as reflected in and mirrored by flesh
Spiritual aversion - no obstacle to sacred sex (more)
Spiritual Awakening - science & verification of; as higher state of consciousness
Spiritual Canticle (see John of the Cross)
Spiritual energy as identical to sex energy (more, more, more)
Spiritual experience; * made permanent in Sexual Enlightenment *
Spiritual family, God & Goddess as
Spiritual Union -Star (sacred geometry) - use of in ritual
STD's (see Sexually Transmitted Disease)
Steering in sacred sex (surfing analogy) (more, more, more)
Stimulants & stimulators in sacred sex (see also Stimulation)
Stimulation vs. arousal (difference between)
Stimulation in sacred sex vs. common sex (more); Reference Charts
Stimulation addiction - dealing with in sacred sex
Stress - dealing with in sacred sex
Submission, sexual (fetish)
Success -Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Suffering -Sumer/Mesopotamia (ancient sacred sex culture); art of
Suppression, sexual (see Sexual Suppression)
Surfing - as analogy for sex
Surfing the Gap (sacred sex practice) (glossary definition)
Sweet spot on your sexual wave (glossary definition)
Sweet talk - name for inner dialog with God/Goddess
[Back to Top]
[Index, cont.] Posted: June 29, 2004 |
Tachikawa proverb (Japanese Shingon)
Talking dirty (more)
Tantra -Tao of Sex
Taoism -Tattoos
Teacher -Techniques, Sacred Sex (see Sacred Sex)
Temple priestess in early sacred sex cultures (more, more); basis for female role as
Temple prostitute - patriarchal label of priestess as (more); (see also Temple Priestess)
Temptress - Tenrikyo (Japanese) - sacred sex in; creation story - Mikagura-uta
Texts, Sacred Sex (see Sacred Sex Scripture)
Teresa of Avila (Christian saint, sometimes Theresa) -Testosterone - role & levels of in men & women; role of in fetal sex differentiation
Third Eye - inner wisdom in Sexual Enlightenment
Third gender - alternative gender identity
3-peats (sacred sexercise)
Threesome (see Three-Way Sacred Sex)
Three-way sacred sex (more)
Thrusting vs. undulating to stimulate sex energy (see also Sacred Thrust Technique)
Ticklishness - dealing with in sacred sex
Tools for sacred sex, EZ Reference Chart
Touch - use in sacred sex; aversion to - dealing with in sacred sex, healing
Toys, sex
Tradition -Traditions -Transgender; as blessing, not curse; in history; true cause of; as future of sex?
Transsexual (see also Transgender)
Trauma, sexual (see Sexual Trauma)
Truth is Universal - as sacred sex principle creating ideal society
Two Spirit (also Two-spirit) - Native American name for alternative gender identity
[Back to Top]
Unconditional love
Undulating vs. thrusting to stimulate sex energy (more)
Uniform wear
Unio Mystica (see Mystic Union)
Union, Mystic (see Mystic Union)
Union, Sacred (see Sacred Union)
Union, Spiritual (see Spiritual Union)
Unity as higher state of consciousness - science & verification of
Unity in Diversity - as sacred sex principle creating ideal society
Universal Love -Universal Truth - as sacred sex principle creating ideal society
Upanishads (Vedic/Hindu texts), sacred sex in -Urge to pee in sacred sex
Urination - urge in sacred sex; (see also Golden Shower Fetish)
Utopia - vision of through sacred sex; in every area of society
Vagina -Vagina masculina - male homolog of vagina
Vaginal orgasm (or G-spot orgasm) - as distinct from clitoral
Value Economics - true free market economic system, based on sacred sex principles
Values -
Values, sexual (see Sexual values)
Venus -Viagra
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - sacred sex scripture (India)
Violence -Virgin Mary (see Madonna)
Virginity - sacred sex symbolism of; made real through sacred sex
Virility, male -Visualization techniques; for sexual healing
Wave analogy for sacred sex
Wave balance (in surfing analogy) (glossary definition)
Wave orgasm (glossary definition) (see also Sacred Orgasm)
Wave watching (understanding the breath in sacred sex)
Weariness during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Wedding, sacred sex symbolism of
Wedding ring, sacred sex symbolism of
Weight, healthy - for women
White Tigress Manual (Taoist scripture), sacred sex in
Whitman, Walt - on women & the female form
Whore - word derivation as sacred
Wipeout (in surfing analogy) (more, glossary definition)
Wisdom - Sexual Enlightenment as your personal inner guide
Woman -Women - as ideal sacred sex teachers; as role models for social ideals; understanding
Women's liberation, true
World Peace -Worry during sex - transforming into sacred sex experience
Worship -Worship, Goddess (see Goddess Worship)
Worthlessness -
[Back to Top]
X chromosome as base genetic code for both genders
Y chromosome as modulator of fetal sex differentiation
Yab-Yum (glossary definition)
Yahweh (Hebrew God) - Asherah as consort of
Yang - as male essence in Taoism (more, more)
Yin - as female essence in Taoism (more, more)
Yoga ideas in sex (more)
Yoga positions for sacred sex
Yoni (glossary definition, also) -Yoni Tantra - sacred sex scripture excerpt (India)
Zohar (Jewish Kabbalah text) - Shekhinah & sacred sex in
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Posted: March 8, 2006 |
great  _________________ Always wondered |
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